Get a FREE digital ID

Get a FREE digital ID


This document is an user guide on how to use WISeKey WISeID Account to sign up/sign in/verify email and obtain free digital identities.


2.1 Signup

Go to

Enter your information

Click on Sign Up. You may be asked to complete a Captcha to let us know that you're human.

After signup successfully, the Thank You page will be shown. Click on "Go to the Login Page" to login.

2.2 Login

In order to login to the WISeKey WISeID Account, it is required to enter email and password in the sign-in page:

2.3 Verify email

If your email has not been verified yet, then you should get a warning message in your account detail page as follows: "Your email is not verified. Click HERE to receive again the verification email message."

Click on SEND button to resend email verification to your email address

A message will be shown to inform you that a verification email has just been sent to your email address successfully.

In order to verify email, you need to check mail and CLICK on the email verification link. You may have to check all your mail boxes including spam box in case you could not find the verification email in the inbox.

Click on "Verify your email" button in WISeKey's WISeID Account Verification Email that you received to complete verification process.

2.4 Request certificate

If your email has been verified already, then you should be able to get FREE digital identities.
You can generate certificate via WISeID website or WISeID applications (My WISeID, WISeID Vault…)

Below is an example for getting a Free certificate via WISeID website 

1. Navigate to Free Digital Certificates section and you will see button Request Certificate.

2. Click on Request Certificate button to get NEW Certificate.

3. Fill the passphrase, agreed with terms and conditions. Click Submit to complete

Note that: Passphrase must have at least one Special character, one upper case character, one lower case character, 8 characters in length and no space.

4. After submit, View Certificate page will be displayed. Please note down the Pass phrase and download your certificate. This pass phrase will be asked when you Install Certificate

2.5 Download Certificate

You should DOWNLOAD in PKCS12 format and SAVE your certificate and the PASSPHRASE (to open the certificate) in a safe place.

Click on PKCS#12(*.p12) button to download:

Save the file to the safe location